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Live versus digital, real versus virtual. This is a prevailing duality of our era, especially in the last few years with the takeoff of smartphones. So much of our socializing, shopping, studying, and deal settling can all be done virtually now, so the need for live meetings has dwindled. This new existence of both face time and screen time rings true for private security needs as well: With so much technological ability these days, people often wonder if they ever need real, live security personnel at all.

But of course we do. Sometimes. It’s all about the balance.

When assessing your private security needs, consider the following when contemplating live security persons versus a digital (video and/or alarm) system.

1. Video Record Versus Personal Testimony. Do you need a video record or all entries and exits, or are personal witnesses enough? Conversely, if you have a video record, you might also benefit from personal testimony from a private security guard.

2. Uniformed, undercover, or neither. Do you need perpetrators to know that they are in a personally guarded area, or do you prefer to keep the security more subtle? Or perhaps a bit of both – video/alarm coverage plus undercover security?

3. Level of Security Risk.  If your threat for security is high, you will do best with a combination of robust digital security along with highly-trained private security personnel. If, on the other hand, your security needs are based on a low-risk assessment, you might only need digital or live coverage, and not both.

Your private security needs assessment should reflect one goal: Acquiring your most suitable level of private security. If budget is an issue, weigh the risk of security versus the funds required. Under no circumstances should you need to pay for what you do not need, and conversely, you should not underpay only to later regret it. Whether you decide to use digital security measures, personal security personnel, or a calculated combination, make sure you feel as solid in your choices as possible. ISSM will assist you in analyzing your needs to come up with a private security game plan for you.


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