Private school in NYC are eager to increase the culture of safety within and around their walls. Thanks to a new grant from the City Council.
Many children in New York City walk to and from school independently, creating a tremendous amount of foot traffic in the morning and at dismissal times. Grade school children who live less than a mile from school do not receive bussing from the city. Middle school and high school students must live over a mile and half away from school in order to be granted a bus. The urban living in NYC means that thousands of children walk to school. Proper supervision is essential.
“Today, we’re saying we want every child to learn in a safe school environment by giving them school security officers just like public schools,” said Councilman David Greenfield (D-Brooklyn), who sponsored the bill, noting that anti-Jewish and Muslim crimes have spiked this year.
Simply monitoring the comings and goings throughout the day is a full time job, in the city. ISSM security guards are the top of the line and ready to make sure that every student is safe. Doors need to be guarded at all times, hallways need to be monitored and most importantly students need to know that they are being looked after.
ISSM is proud to be a City Council approved security provider. To find out how your school can participate in this new program call ISSM today for a free consultation — 855-564-ISSM (855-564-4776).