As parents, you’re proud. You might have fantasized about this family event since your child was an infant, and now, the day is upon you. Be it a graduation, a catechism, a bar mitzvah, a wedding or any other rite of passage celebration, your heart is full, and you’re beaming. And you want everything to go off without a hitch for this event.
You want your guests to feel comfortable, safe, and happy. But in the back of your mind, you worry about a possible security problem. People know you, and know your family, and might want to take advantage by sneaking in a little theft or even causing a disruption for political reasons. But you’ll have none of that worry on your shoulders. After all, you want to focus on your own family, dear friends, colleagues and other personal contacts who you invited to the event. This is an opportunity to bring your worlds together out of sheer pride for your child, and it should all go smoothly.
You already hired an event planner for the catering, décor and logistics, but thought that security needed a specific focus for which an event planner might not well-versed. So you take the bull by the reins yourself and hire a private security firm to handle the security aspect.
ISSM family event private security agents are trained to have the “feel” for the intimacy and joy inherent in such high-profile family events. The private security guards blend in seamlessly – in a way that guests know there is security protection, yet don’t give it much thought. For guests, the private security for these types of family events feels as matter-of-fact as the ability to order a Scotch on rocks from the bar. Without it, would it be a real party for this family?