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Instances of vandalism and graffiti cost businesses an average of $3370 per instance; if your property is frequently subjected to vandalism—that’s a pretty huge bill. Given the high probability of these security lapses in New York, you should really invest in an unarmed security service that can keep your premises safe.

But What Do Night Security Guards Do?

While it seems obvious that night security guards can put a stop to vandals and scare them away, how exactly they make it happen is a much more interesting question. At ISSM, we have pre-planned security plans for unique security lapses that our guards know by heart.

Our plans for these situations include the following steps:

Security Risk Assessments

We conduct thorough location analyses to identify weak spots that are vulnerable too security lapses. We then establish protocols that cover up these weaknesses.

Patrolling The Location

Our teams establish an optimal patrol plan that covers the most area with the fewest guards to minimize your security guard costs.

Effective Deterrence

We maintain a noticeable presence in the location to keep vandals at bay who would avoid encountering possible violent security responses.

If you’re interested in hiring unarmed security officers to keep your presence safe from destructive individuals, call ISSM today.

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