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Does a private security guard really need professional training, or can I just show them the ropes myself? Many small retailers, restaurant owners, and the like ponder this question.  You might wonder, too. Here are the questions to ask in order to assess whether you need a private professional security guard.

1) Merchandise Value. What can you afford to lose on the books? Most companies budget for theft or expected losses at around 15%. Could you absorb losses higher than that?

2) Deterrent. A private security guard doesn’t just protect, they deter. Does the person you wish to hire emit the look and feel that effectively deters perpetrators?

3) At Gunpoint. How would this person handle themselves under threat of heavy violence? Depending on the location and type of your business, a non-professional guard may or may not be allowed to allow guns, or even just batons. You might need someone licensed.

4) Background checks. Private security companies perform background checks during the hiring process. If this is important to you, are you willing to have a background check performed on your hiree? If you are personally connected to the hiree, can you be certain they will remain objective in their role?

5) Police liaison. Is the security guard abreast on how to report incidents, and do they remain calm and professional in the face of police?

6) Reputation. Security levels affect your business’s reputation – your image. If the security guard is a non-professional encountering difficulties, do you mind if your business becomes known as a possible easy target?

Consider the above questions, honestly weighing the risks of hiring “just anyone” versus someone professional. Most small business owners prefer to hire a professional, full-service private security firm for its guards. They find that the hourly rate of professionals pays off in peace of mind at the very least, if not outright in need. Feel free to contact  ISSM for a consultation to determine your small business private security personnel needs.

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