In late September, 2014, a student ran through his Pittsburgh-area high school, stabbing and otherwise harming students and others with two knives. The assailant student injured 20 of his fellow students and, in addition, directly stabbed the chest of Jay Resetar, the school’s security guard, just inches under his heart. Notwithstanding his injuries, Resetar nonetheless […]
Does a private security guard really need professional training, or can I just show them the ropes myself? Many small retailers, restaurant owners, and the like ponder this question. You might wonder, too. Here are the questions to ask in order to assess whether you need a private professional security guard. 1) Merchandise Value. What […]
As a business owner, you are keen to ensure your bottom line is as solid as it can be. Understandably, if you forked out extra expenses during the holidays, come January 2nd, you’re eager to calculate how you can scale back to a budget which reflects the non-holiday months. As such, you find yourself wondering […]
Q. Is it really necessary to hire professional private security guards for my store, or is it enough to just hire anyone? A. Retailers often wonder what the advantages and benefits are from hiring professional private security personnel versus just paying anyone to do the job. In order to assess whether just anyone would serve […]
You’re in retail, and you’re trying to see where you can cut costs. Can we simplify the décor in the shop window, and still entice people to come in? Perhaps the floor plan is too large for our merchandise, and we can rent out 1/3 of our space? And truly, do we really need a […]
Recently, the local news in Paterson, North Jersey reported that a security guard was held at gunpoint by a driver who threatened him, robbed him, and then fled by car. The question is, was this preventable? Hopefully, yes. While on the one hand, depending on the situation, a guard should not remain in a state where his life […]
In early September, 2014, a private security guard sued a band for its concert’s wet confetti, which caused him to slip and garner injuries. The band’s name? None other than KISS – as in the longstanding band with lead singer and founder Gene Simmons at its helm. To be sure, we are not involved with […]